Wednesday, May 5, 2010

View from my apartment

Hi All,

Check this out... You all will like these pictures




Please comment and share it with your friends.

Thanks and regards,

Shyam Gohil


  1. These lovely photos are delicate and ethereal! They make me feel very relaxed. Thank you, Shyam, you have a great talent for photography!

  2. Ohhh my god...

    I couldnt believe that, these photos helped you to get relaxed. You know Vicki, your comments are inspiring me a lot.... This saturday I am planning to goto some good place in phoenix with my friend.. may be from that place, I can get something great for you all..

    Please share it with Natelie and Kleo. Give my regards to them...

    Thank u so much for your inspiring words,
    Shyam Gohil

  3. Wow more great shots! really beautiful!

  4. Yes, of course I will share these with Kleo and Natalie! I was finally able to subscribe through my blog on ebloggers to this site, I already have subscribed to My Way to Perfection.
    I'm very excited to see the results of your Saturday's photography field trip with your friend. You have a good eye.
    Nature close ups have always been very difficult for me. I take my hat off to you, my dear friend!
